Sunday, August 26, 2007

Bavarian Motors

Joe Jacobsen - an Owner and CFO of Bavarian Motors that operate over 300 18 wheelers and use EthosFR in their entire fleet. They are realizing an 8-10 % fuel savings with EthosFR which translates to $1.8 million a year and when you deduct the cost of EthoFR they purchase ($500,000) their NET savings is a whopping $1.3 million over a year. Here is a company that is sold on EthosFR, it works!

Of the many benefits they are enjoying through the use of EthosFR such as the fuel savings and better performance from their trucks, they have found that their drivers are able to breathe easier around their trucks ever since they started using EthosFR due to the reduced emissions. Since they load and unload cars in their business, the trucks idle 46% of the time and the drivers are exposed to the exhaust fumes while they work. Now that they can breathe easier there are potential health care savings for the company as the drivers are exposed to less of the harmful exhaust fumes. What a great benefit of EthosFR - improving the health of these drivers.

Like Allied Waste, Bavarian Motors is yet another great example of how EthosFR is having a positive impact on the operation and the bottom line of a company. On an individual level everyone can realize these same benefits so do spread the good word of EthosFR!

For more info on Ethos F.R. go to:

Gas Prices Driving You Crazy?

Gas Prices Driving You CRAZY?

According to the web site,, transportation accounts for 66% of all U.S. oil consumption. “With gas prices predicted to reach $4.00 per gallon, it’s becoming a significant percentage of the household budget, as well. However, there are ways to fight back, without having to break out the old bicycle (which is a good idea anyway). You can make a few small changes in your driving habits that will add up to real savings.

1) Drive less aggressively. Accelerating from stops like a Jack Rabbit, braking hard, and speeding can lower your highway gas mileage 33 percent and city mileage 5percent. That equates to 16 cents to $1.06/gallon in savings. You can drop your price for gas up to a dollar per gallon just by driving more sensibly.
2) Slow down. Gas mileage drops rapidly above 60 mph. Although optimal fuel economy is different for each vehicle, as a rule of thumb, each 5 mph you drive above 60mph is equivalent to paying an additional 20 cents per gallon of gas. That means driving 75 mph on our highways cost you an extra 60 cents per gallon.
3) Keep your tires properly inflated and aligned (improves mileage 3.3 percent).
4) Service your car regularly to keep it performing optimally.
5) Replace dirty or clogged air filters (improves mileage as much as 10 percent).
6) Clear items from your car and trunk that add extra weight
7) Reduce drag by removing roof racks and car-top carriers.
8) Consolidate trips and errands
9) Carpool and share rides”

Another way to save money and gas mileage is to use a good fuel reformulator. A good fuel reformulator such as Ethos F.R. will not only clean the inside of your engine, substantially reduce exhaust emissions, clean spark plugs and injectors, but will also increase your gas mileage an average 7 to 19 percent.

Ethos F.R. has been in use by our military, large commercial fleets, and several governments for the last 7 – 10 years. I personally have used Ethos F.R. for just over a year, and it works for me.

For more info on Ethos F.R. go to: